Get involved

There are a number of ways you can get involved with Noonga. You can:

Become a member

By becoming a NRG member, you will join a growing group of people who are committed to reconciliation in QLD.

Your membership provides you with access to our member meetings where we encourage discussion & input for community events. We will keep you updated about whats happening locally, let you know about upcoming events and how you can get involved.

Fill in a membership form and send it to: PO BOX 205 Wavell Heights QLD 4012

Make a donation

You can make a donation by cash, cheque or bank deposit. Please forward cash and cheques to PO Box 205, Wavell Heights QLD 4012. If you’d like to make a donation by bank deposit, please contact us.

Subscribe to Noonga News

Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about upcoming events & current news.

Attend an event

Noonga holds several community events throughout the year to support reconciliation. Each year since 1998 Noonga has hosted a Sorry Day ceremony on or around 26 May at the Stolen Generations memorial site in Kalinga Park.

Check our latest news page for updates on events.